
About Sophia Sniegowski

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So far Sophia Sniegowski has created 40 blog entries.

CHET and Musket’s Insights on Military Personnel


Last month, we explored the reasons why many former military personnel are turning to the transportation industry for attractive and secure employment opportunities. Many of their skills and much of their training are transferable to other industries, including a career in trucking. We discussed what makes military personnel compatible and what benefits the [...]

CHET and Musket’s Insights on Military Personnel2017-07-04T18:54:13-04:00

Why Military Personnel Are a Natural Fit for the Transportation Industry


The new Liberal government's de-escalation of the Canadian military is resulting in significant new changes. As a result, thousands of military personnel will be entering civilian life in search of new careers. As these men and women begin their career transition, they are turning their attention to industries where their training and experience are [...]

Why Military Personnel Are a Natural Fit for the Transportation Industry2017-07-04T18:54:39-04:00

Women in Trucking: A Driving Force Part 2


Last month we addressed the slowly growing trend toward integrating women into the trucking and freight transportation industry. At CHET, we're dedicated to learning how to recruit female students as well as retain and effectively integrate employees, including women. That's why we attended the Women with Drive 2016 Leadership Summit on March 3 for the [...]

Women in Trucking: A Driving Force Part 22016-10-28T15:13:11-04:00
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