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At Musket Transport and CHET, we feel the role of companies in supporting the youth in Canada is of significant importance. Our contributions can not only aid in the development of the younger generation but also help shape the future workforce of the country. By investing in youth programs, providing mentorship, and creating work opportunities for young people, Musket Transport and CHET hope to play a crucial role in shaping the future leaders of our society. Through strategic partnerships and collaborations, we provide youth workshops to help educate and inform the next generation.



The team from Musket Transport and CHET visited YWS to deliver presentations and workshops to the youth who are actively looking at career options and developing plans for their professional future.

Youth Without Shelter is a safe haven for young individuals aged 16 to 24 who, due to uncontrollable circumstances, have no place to call home. Many of these youth are homeless before turning 16, while others are victims of abuse or abandonment, or lack family support. The organization is recognized for understanding each youth’s cultural and personal needs, offering tailored support, practical guidance, and training through a comprehensive program model.

“Our Employment Program and larger team at YWS was very happy to have Musket & CHET inside our building to engage our youth who are currently in the stages of developing a career plan,” stated Employment Liaisons for Youth Without Shelter, Jonathan Mahess & Latoya Burgin. “There are many paths into the Trucking industry that are not known to many folks. Having Sophia, Sandra, and Anthony explain the different career possibilities and ways into the industry was a positive experience. Words cannot describe the perfection of their delivery to the youth. At the end of the day, when you are working with young people, who are looking for encouragement to move forward in their journey or path, it takes a team to come on out and share these experiences with the youth. YWS thanks Musket & CHET for taking the time out of their busy industry to inspire our group of young prosperous individuals.”

One of the YWS youth who attended the recent workshops stated, “I thought everything that [Musket & CHET] spoke about was very cool. I did mechanics back home and did not think I would be qualified to do that here in Canada. Anthony said I should type up a resume and send it to him. I am very thankful that they are willing to help and point us in the right direction. One thing I will remember is when Sandra said that we should not discount all the work that we experienced, and are bringing into Canada with us.”



Earlier this year, fifteen youth from Covenant House in Toronto visited CHET to explore careers in trucking and transportation thanks to a connection through Toronto Business Development Centre.

Covenant House is Canada’s largest organization dedicated to serving at-risk youth. They lead in their sector by advocating for a world where all youth are free from homelessness and trafficking. Their operations, accelerated by generous donor support, revolve around youth-centric programs that are grounded in unconditional love, absolute respect, and relentless engagement.

“Musket and CHET were very gracious to have youth from Covenant House on site to learn more about how they can get into trucking,” said Anthony Lohan, Job Developer at Covenant House, Toronto. “Fifteen youth attended this career exploration event that walked them through the process of obtaining their commercial driver’s license, with a real demo in a truck and an opportunity to test out a virtual truck driving program. Musket and CHET were so welcoming and engaging, many of the participants left excited to pursue a commercial license. Several of the youth are pursuing their G license in order to qualify for the training with CHET. The staff at Musket and CHET have also been great with following through with supporting these youth to get on the right track for their training.”

Lohan went on to state that, “Career exploration events are an opportunity for youth to learn about a new career and get excited about the opportunities, and that is definitely what happened at our visit to Musket and CHET.”



In addition to youth outreach programs, CHET also works with established organizations to help improve financial literacy and make future students and employees aware of issues that impact our industry and the global community at large.

Through our partnership with Enriched Academy, we provide comprehensive financial literacy courses to students at CHET. While Ontario recently rolled out financial literacy courses in high schools, there are many who have never learned correct money management and planning techniques. Particularly with many youths being economically at risk, it’s more important than ever that this sort of education be available.

Additionally, individuals who find themselves working with organizations like Covenant House and YWS are at high risk for human trafficking. The courses we offer through TAT (Truckers Against Trafficking) provides insightful information into the world of human trafficking and how truckers are uniquely positioned to help.

“Truck drivers are the eyes and ears of Canadian roadways and are uniquely positioned to spot signs of human trafficking as they go about the course of their workdays,” says Heather Fry, Director of Industry Training for TAT. “TAT’s training, which CHET has incorporated into their curriculum, equips drivers to spot the signs of human trafficking and to know how to effectively report a tip. With the International Labour Organization estimating that there are over 50 million people enslaved in the world today, and traffickers exploiting these individuals, many times, in plain sight, the significance of having this training is immense. CHET’s students enter the workforce already trained and are vital in illuminating the dark corners where traffickers want to hide. We are thankful that CHET has joined us in the fight against human trafficking.”

Through career development initiatives, Musket Transport and CHET hope to provide youth with the necessary skills and experiences to navigate the professional world successfully. This connection helps in bridging the gap between education and employment, providing a smoother transition from academic life to professional careers.