There are Jobs Waiting!

The transportation sector in Canada is a demanding industry that never stops moving. Transportation provides the vital “back-bone” in our country that allows our economy to function efficiently. It covers many areas from importing supplies to manufacturers to delivering fresh produce to our grocery stores.

Road transportation continues to be the dominant method of moving goods between Canada and the U.S. According to Transportation Canada, 45% of good exported and 73% of goods imported were transported by trucks in 2011. In terms of dollars, $149 billion was exported and $162 billion was imported by trucks. Canadian truck drivers moved 225 billion tonne-kilometers of freight in 2010, up 8.1% from 2009. According to Stats Canada, the transportation industry represents 4.7% of Canada’s GDP with truck transportation being the largest contributor.

What it comes down to is that transportation by trucks is critical to Canada’s economy. For this to continue, freight businesses in Canada need well-trained & professional truck drivers.

Musket Wants You!

CHET has established relationships with many trucking companies and driving agencies. Its parent company, the Musket Transport Ltd, which happens to be one of Ontario’s largest trucking companies, has agreed to give preferential treatment to graduates from the CHET school. Not only do we want to help you become a well-trained driver but we also want to ensure that you find a job.

In addition to competitive rates, our drivers appreciate the many other benefits that set Musket Transport Ltd. apart as one of the top employers in the province. Are you considering applying to join our team? Consider some of the advantages of earning a position behind the wheel of a Musket vehicle.

Flexible Scheduling

When you have family obligations or emergencies, Musket Transport works with you, not against you. We offer flexibility and have various routes that fit different driver schedules and requirements.

Work-Home Balance

In addition to our many long distance routes, we offer shorter routes to drivers looking to spend shorter stretches on the road. Drivers who choose to forego our long distance routes to California and other far-off destinations appreciate the ability to spend every other night and weekends at home. If you’re family oriented or have various commitments at home, you may prefer this schedule.

Competitive Benefits

Musket Transport is proud to be an equal opportunity employer that offers a comprehensive benefit program which includes life insurance, accidental death and dismemberment insurance, health care insurance, drug coverage, dental care and emergency travel assistance.

Growth Opportunities

Dedicated to our team, when higher-level positions become available, we regularly promote internally. Of course, we reward those drivers who demonstrate the necessary skills and have the proper qualifications to meet the challenges of the open position.

Newer Equipment

At Musket Transport Ltd., we believe that for our drivers to do their job safely and on schedule, they require the right tools and equipment. Our equipment is 3 years old or less. We ensure that our trucks are professionally cleaned, and that our drivers have access to on-site repairs and knowledgeable mechanics.

Continuing Education

Dedicated to keeping our team and those they share the road with safe and up-to-date on the latest advances, we offer on-going driver training as required as well as renewal and refresher courses. This training is offered via our own province recommended driver training school, CHET (Commercial Heavy Equipment Training). Some of the interactive training options we have include state-of-the-art Simulator Training and the Virage Simulations VS600M Truck Simulator, which boasts realistic steering and responses from the clutch, accelerator and brake pedals; 3D sound and high fidelity visual scenes.

Referral Bonus Program

To recognize our drivers’ efforts, Musket Transport Ltd. boasts a competitive referral program. Any driver who recruits US highway drivers or Montreal drivers that meet a set of criteria is eligible to receive a quarterly bonus for the maximum of a year. In addition, we also offer accessorial pay and have implemented a Safety and Performance Bonus Program.

If you currently hold an “AZ” tractor-trailer drivers license and are interested in employment with one of our partner companies please contact and attach a copy of your resume. A driver recruiter will be in contact within 1 business day to discuss your options. You can also speak with a recruiter over the phone by calling us at (416)-275-1715.

Contact a Driver Recruiter Today! Email Us, Call Us or Fill in the Form Below!

Driver Manager: Joshua Potts
Phone: (905)-823-7800 ext. 298
After Hours: (416)-275-1715

If you are a job seeker with a disability and require a reasonable accommodation to apply for one of our jobs, please contact:
Melanie Ackers
Phone: (905)-823-7800 Ext: 235

The Musket Transport Ltd Accessibility Plan