When people think of ‘the transportation sector’, the associated mental images are that of trucks and cargo containers. The last thing someone would picture is that of greenery and biodiversity. But that’s exactly what Musket is looking to change through its recent planting project.

The event took place on May 14th and was organized by Cassia Boyd—Content Creator at Musket Transport—and hosted by the Credit Valley Conservation; “a community-based environmental organization, dedicated to protecting, restoring and managing the natural resources of the Credit River Watershed.”

As a Greening Corporate Grounds Partner, we are elated to host our first planting project at our headquarters. Our aim is not only to beautify our industrial space but to reintroduce biodiversity into the area.

“We have worked closely with the Credit Valley Conservation for many years, particularly in regards to the environmental management of our facilities,” said Sophia Sniegowski Begidzhanov, Corporate Communications Officer for Musket. “As a Greening Corporate Grounds Partner, we are elated to host our first planting project at our headquarters. Our aim is not only to beautify our industrial space but to reintroduce biodiversity into the area.”

The planting project started at 9:00AM and saw the involvement of 18 volunteers, adults and children, who descended upon the Musket Transport headquarters to plant 84 plants over the course of 2 hours around the facility. The volunteers were made up a cross section of the company who volunteered their own time (and that of their family members) and ranged from management, to office workers, to drivers.

“This was also an exciting opportunity to host our first in-person company event since the pandemic,” continued Begidzhanov. “We treated it as a family friendly event and employee volunteers were able to bring their children. Special thanks to everyone who came out!”

The plants that found their new homes at Musket include: Serviceberry, Black Chokeberry, Red-osier Dogwood, Winterberry, Common Ninebark, Smooth Rose, Meadowsweet, Canada Elderberry, and White Cedar.

Bird’s eye view of Musket’s corporate office after completion of planting.

Of course, this isn’t the first enviro-friendly project. In recent years Musket has taken an environmentally conscious approach to paving at Cawthra and Royal Windsor offices, and have changed lighting in both garages to LED lighting for a softer carbon footprint.

The native shrubs planted by Musket will provide healthy habitat for local birds and pollinators, support local biodiversity and is a step towards reducing their carbon footprint

“We were very happy to work with Musket Transport on this project,” stated Brendan Gallant, specialist at Credit Valley Conservation. “Greening Corporate Grounds provides sustainable landscaping solutions to businesses and institutions within the Credit River Watershed to build climate resilience and improve environmental health and human well-being. The native shrubs planted by Musket will provide healthy habitat for local birds and pollinators, support local biodiversity and is a step towards reducing their carbon footprint.”

This was an exciting project for the company as a whole, one that Musket hopes to replicate and build upon in the future.


Check out this amazing video from the event of our Musket family hard at work: Click here