Musket Sponsors Arts Move to MIT

On August 25th 2019, Musket Transport sponsored the transport of an art installation from our container terminal to the MIT – Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Entitled Futurity Island, the art installation by artists Gediminas and Nomeda Urbonas is an architectural structure conceptualized as a space for acoustic experimentation. It serves as an infrastructure that hosts sound compositions and performances that open space for learning.

First presented at the University of Toronto Mississauga – Blackwood Gallery’s 10-day  Work of Wind: Air, Land Sea art festival in September 2018, Futurity Island was disassembled into individual pipe sections, and repacked into a single 53’ Musket Transport Ltd. trailer to be trucked from Mississauga to MIT into Cambridge, MA.

With Futurity Island’s “swamp” making a cross-border transit, the work moves through geographies and infrastructures shaped by human restructuring of natural space. At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Futurity Island will be reassembled to animate the local environment alongside the Charles River.

The task of transporting the installation to and from our new fourth terminal was entrusted to Musket as a result of our expertise in moving complex, delicate loads including other art installations. Click here for a sneak peak at what went into making the transport possible.

Also click here to experience the Amphibian songs excerpt from the piece.

Futurity Island builds on the legacy of MIT’s Center for Advanced Visual Studies’ Charles River Project, a program held in the early 1970s aimed at connecting the campus to riparian environmental concerns. In engaging this history, Futurity Island calls for creative solutions for climate change adaptation, and highlights the challenges and opportunities for future life on and with the water. Musket’s own commitment to sustainability and reduce carbon emissions made participation in this project a natural fit.

Due to our involvement with the The Work of Wind: Air, Land Sea arts festival, our extended sponsorship of storing art pieces at our Container Terminal as well as the cross border transport to MIT, we were featured in MIT’s publication “Broadsheet”.

Video Below first update on the project in August: