We generally take the benefits of freight transportation for granted, in part because the system typically works well — at least in terms of making a variety of products available to consumers in a timely fashion. However, disruptions in freight transportation systems can have a rapid impact, reminding consumers of the value of these services. Given that trucks play a vital role in delivering most of the food we eat, the leisure goods we enjoy and the roofs under which we live, the current challenge the trucking industry faces is a concern for all Canadians.

The Conference Board of Canada’s short-term (5-year) and long-term (20-year) national and provincial economic forecasts were utilized in order to produce a forecast for trucking industry demand up to the year 2020. Demand for trucking services is largely a function of general economic activity. Given that 90% of final goods — products that individuals buy and consume — are delivered by truck (there are over 300,000 truck drivers in Canada today) it is difficult to imagine significant economic growth without corresponding growth in trucking activity.

GDP is expected to grow approximately 2.7% on average from 2012 to 2016. This provides an immediate expectation for the growth in demand for trucking services, as more economic activity generally means more goods being shipped from producers to consumers. At the national level, the trucking industry’s requirement for drivers is expected to increase by 17%, or nearly 30,000 drivers. Ultimately, efficient freight transportation improves export competitiveness and results in more goods available for consumers at lower prices. This makes the health of the trucking industry freight transportation networks an issue of importance for Canadian competitiveness.

‘AZ’ Tractor-Trailer and ‘DZ’ Straight-Truck drivers are highly valued individuals in the transportation industry. These drivers are skilled professionals and play a pivotal role in keeping our economy moving forward. They are also individuals who can always find employment due to the great demand as trucking companies across the nation are always in need of commercial drivers.

Commercial Heavy Equipment Training Ltd. trains ‘AZ’ and ‘DZ’ drivers for the transportation industry. CHET provides professionally delivered commercial driver training exceeding entry-level standards expected by carriers. We are a registered Private Career College (PCC) that delivers the training curriculum mandated by the Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities (MTCU). Graduates of our ‘AZ’ training program can gain experience through employment with our parent company, the Musket Transport Ltd. / Melburn Truck Lines Corp.

Get the ‘AZ’ Tractor-Trailer training that will prepare you — Job Ready — for the Transportation Industry

Source: The Conference Board of Canada Report 2013.

the need for truck drivers