For many aspiring commercial drivers, truck drivers’ training is a means to an end. Drivers are motivated to attend classes in order to log the required number of classroom hours, pass their AZ road test, secure their license and find employment. Being that enrolling in a training program is a necessity, it’s worthwhile exploring what exactly differentiates driving schools. Drivers should be asking themselves where they’ll walk away with the best skills and actually enjoy the learning process.
In addition to varying curriculums, one of the greatest differentiators between driving schools is the quality of instructors. Unfortunately, some schools aren’t interested in the student experience. Sitting in a classroom – or in a vehicle – with a lifeless instructor who clearly isn’t suited for teaching can be downright depressing. Other schools do see the immeasurable value of quality instructors who are both knowledgeable as well as engaging. CHET Truck Training School – a Ministry of Training colleges and Universities mandated program – is one of the commercial driving schools in Canada committed to delivering high-level driver’s training. And high-level training means high-level instructors.
Our certified instructors deliver a combination of classroom education and hands-on, one-on-one in-truck training. More than simply instructors, these men are experienced, teachers and dedicated mentors. They’re 110% committed to ensuring that each student walks away with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate a fulfilling career behind the wheel with a reputable company. One of the greatest testaments to the quality of our instructors is that graduates of the CHET program regularly spread the word when they come across friends interested in the industry.
Thanks to our upbeat, experienced instructors, CHET drivers learn such skills as map reading, trip planning, understanding basic mechanical issues, transportation of dangerous goods, and much more.
Our team is currently made up of five instructors, four of which do on-the-road training. These are the invaluable members of our team who are passionate about the industry and successfully bring our rich curriculum to life.
Bob J.
Joining the team in the early 90’s, Bob has more than 40 years of combined experience as an instructor to date. His years of experience, knowledge and skill coupled with his friendly, upbeat attitude make his training both informative and enjoyable. Bob is passionate about watching his students’ skills grow and enthusiasm strengthen. Bob regularly goes the extra mile to create a fun-filled atmosphere for his students and co-workers. When he’s not at the office, he enjoys golfing, motorcycles and spending time with friends and family.
Walter M.
Part of the team since 2003, in Walter’s classes there is never a dull moment. With IHSA certification and fleet driver training experience, his students benefit both from his expertise and his helpful, fun approach in the classroom and behind the wheel. A native of Mexico, Walter is trilingual, speaking Spanish, Italian and of course English. When he isn’t supporting his students, Walter enjoys listening to music and woodworking.
Miroslaw P.
Now a dedicated instructor, Miro transitioned into this role after driving with The Musket Transportation Ltd. for 13 years. An air brake instructor and fleet driver trainer, Miro is known for his calm, professional demeanor and his love for working with people from diverse backgrounds. Originally from Poland, today Miro lives in Etobicoke and enjoys reading and spending time outdoors when he’s not instructing a course.
Phil F.
The newest instructor to join the team, Phil comes to us originally from a background in financial planning. Ready for a change, he transitioned into a career on the road for ten years — accident-free! A patient instructor with a positive attitude, Phil enjoys helping his students reach their goals. When he’s not leading a class, he enjoys coaching football and hockey.
Dwight N.
With two decades of experience on the team in various roles and over a million accident-free miles, Dwight knows the industry inside and out. Dwight spent 14 years on the road as a driver, 3.5 years as an in-cab instructor, and 2.5 years and counting as CHET Operations Manager. As an instructor, Dwight always took a student-centered approach and brought his authenticity and passion to the classroom and in the cab. To this day enjoys watching students’ skill sets grow as the industry evolves. When Dwight isn’t at the office, he enjoys nature walks, reading and – of course – driving.
Hazrat H.
A CHET graduate who became a driver with The Musket Transport Ltd. for three years, Hazrat has since transitioned into the role of Assistant Driver Manager. Actively involved at CHET, Hazrat is on the Musket Recruiting Team and Health and Safety Committee. Hazrat is known for being an approachable instructor as well as a dependable member of the CHET team. He is constantly adapting his material to make the learning experience more interactive and engaging for his students. When he’s not at work, Hazrat can be found spending time with his family.
Whatever the subject, students naturally do better when they like their instructors. Great instructors have a way of delivering material in an engaging way, transforming theory to practical rules and tools of the road.
A subsidiary of Musket Transportation Ltd., CHET Truck Training School has over 15 years of experience preparing and educating tomorrow’s truck drivers. Our instructors deserve our gratitude because they have been instrumental to our success and trusted reputation in the industry.
Contact us to learn more about CHET’s flexible, affordable programs. Click here to read more about Our Expert Instructors.
We Train, We Employ.